Burkina Faso Visa FAQ’s

Burkina Faso is a country that typically requires a visa before entering the country. This process can feel overwhelming, so we've compiled a list of the most common questions around the Burkina Faso visa.

How do I get an Burkina Faso visa?

A Burkina Faso visa can be obtained by mailing your visa application to the Burkina Faso Embassy OR we suggest you use a trusted visa service like ours to guide you through the process, review documents and hand deliver to the Embassy.  Learn more about our Burkina Faso visa services.

What is an Burkina Faso visa?

A Burkina Faso visa is a travel document that is a sticker placed in your passport. It is required before you depart to Burkina Faso and generally is suggested to apply at least a month or two prior to your trip.

What types of Burkina Faso visas are there?

A Burkina Faso visa can be used for several types of travel.

Tourist visas are available as single entry visa on arrival.  Multiple entry visas are available for a stay of 180 days and valid for 5 years.  You'll generally need to provide your passport, the Burkina Faso application, photo, letter describing what you intent on doing and a travel itinerary.

Business visas are also valid for  180 days and are valid for multiple entry visits and good for 5 years.  You'll typically need to provide your passport, the Burkina Faso visa application, photos and a letter from your employer introducing yourself and describing your business activities.

Who is eligible for an Burkina Faso visa?

Generally all foreign nationals require a visa to Burkain Faso and a passport with 6 months of validity left.

How long does it take to get a Burkina Faso visa?

It takes anywhere from a day to five days depending upon seasonality and they type of visa.  Check our Burkina Faso visa requirements for more details.

How much does a Burkina Faso visa cost?

The application or Embassy fee starts at $140.  If you use a service like ours, a service fee applies as an additional cost to handle the process on your behalf.  Check here fo the latest visa fees.

What activities can I do in Burkina Faso with a visa?

A Burkina Faso visa is only for tourist and business purposes. You are not allowed to take on paid employment with this visa. You can attend conferences, business meetings, and tourist activities.

What are the documents required to apply for an Burkina faso visa?

To apply for an Burkina Faso visa, you must have:

  • A passport that will be valid for six months after your visa expires.

  • An Burkina Faso visa application, completed and signed.

  • Passport Photos

  • Travel Itinerary

  • If for business, a company letter describing your trip and possibly an invitation letter from the company or organization in Burkina Faso.

  • If for tourist, typically a hotel reservation

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